Online Educational Patform Owned by Zubayer Rahman Sayem

We are 24student.

Webdesigners are some of the most sought-after creatives. As well as having advanced technical skills, webdesigners are also incredibly creative, work well in teams and can listen with empathy to their clients. 

It’s a career that many people would excel in if they had the opportunity to study, make connections and get the experience needed to land their first role. However, we know that for so many people, a career in WebDesign just isn’t accessible. Whether this is due to someone’s financial position, family commitments, lack of confidence or feeling like the tech industry just isn’t for them, there are often barriers to WebDesign that are difficult to overcome.

Without everyone having the opportunity to work in tech, the industry remains a less diverse and welcoming place. Not giving everyone equal access to the tech industry means that talented individuals who would be successful Web designers aren’t given the chance to showcase their abilities. 

This is where we come in.

We are 24 Student, a charity that helps people from marginalized backgrounds get their first step in the tech industry. We focus our work on providing life-changing opportunities to people living below the poverty line, those based in the developing world, people with limited access to education and those who have had a break from the workplace.

We give people financial support, access to training and connections to industry leaders to help them get the qualifications and experience they need to get their first tech job. For some people, taking time away from work to train means not being able to put food on the table. Our support extends to our students and their families, to ensure that they are looked after financially while they train to become a webdesigner. 

We give people funding to complete an accredited and recognized WebDesign course and provide guidance on training. During their education, we also connect people with organizations that can offer them experience and insight into WebDesign careers. 

Our team then continue to work with people even after they have completed their training. We offer everyone we support the opportunity to work for our sister tech company, Brownil. so they can instantly start their first web development role. Previous students who received funding and support through 24 Student have gone on to have successful careers in webdesign and helped to promote webdesign careers to others.

We help people to change their lives through a WebDesign career. By supporting people into their first tech role, we give people the keys to a future filled with opportunity, variety, security and a future where they can provide for themselves and their families.

If you have always wanted to become a Web designer but for whatever reason, haven’t been able to take the first step, we can help. Get in touch if you have any questions – we would love to hear from you.


In an increasingly digital world, people with advanced tech skills are highly in-demand creatives. Webdesign in particular is an imaginative and exciting career, with a constant demand from organisations for skilled webdesigners.

However, for many people, becoming a webdesigner remains a dream career that is out of reach. It’s out of reach for people who are struggling financially. It’s out of reach for people living in the developing world, without easy access to education and training. And it’s out of reach for people who have been out of the job market and have had their confidence in their abilities knocked.

Not only does this cut people off from a brighter future, but it means the tech industry is deprived of talented and passionate webdesigners. We want to change this.

Our vision is a world where the tech industry is open to everyone, irrespective of their income, education or age.Where people from all over the world have the chance to change their lives and support their families through fulfilling webdesign careers. 


In an increasingly digital world, people with advanced tech skills are highly in-demand creatives. Webdesign in particular is an imaginative and exciting career, with a constant demand from organisations for skilled webdesigners.

However, for many people, becoming a webdesigner remains a dream career that is out of reach. It’s out of reach for people who are struggling financially. It’s out of reach for people living in the developing world, without easy access to education and training. And it’s out of reach for people who have been out of the job market and have had their confidence in their abilities knocked.

Not only does this cut people off from a brighter future, but it means the tech industry is deprived of talented and passionate webdesigners. We want to change this.

Our vision is a world where the tech industry is open to everyone, irrespective of their income, education or age.Where people from all over the world have the chance to change their lives and support their families through fulfilling webdesign careers.